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Student Testimonials (unsolicited)
Bowen Park Playground, Waukegan, IL, 1985
Kenneth R. Hurst, Ph.D., Bio
In the fall of 2012, 24 years of licensed practice was brought to a close to return to academia with the aim of giving back to the profession and work toward a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University. While studying there, the department provided an opportunity to contribute through teaching in eight Landscape Architecture (LA) design studios. During two semesters I, assisted in teaching the LA construction studios which built on my having taught LA technology while at Oklahoma. The degree was completed December, 2016. Following graduation, the department has provided an opportunity to teach a doctoral seminar and a planning lecture course entitled “Building Better Cities” as well as studio teaching assignments.
The research focus proposed when entering the Doctoral program centered on bringing activity into the therapeutic garden environment to enhance use. To that end, a Certificate in Health Systems and Design was completed through the College of Architecture in 2014. With the availability of a research setting derived from practice, the dissertation topic still focused on health in the outdoor built environment, but took a shift to doing a behavioral observation study of public park use, specifically in three comparative playground environments where one was designed to universal design standards. The study was done using a modified graphic version of Thomas McKenzie’s established SOPARC methodology applying 14 days of observation, recording 12,520 people. This gave support to the hypothesis that universal design in playgrounds can attract more use by people of all abilities, promoting physical activity for people of all ages and abilities. Two articles are in draft form based on the research and should be ready to submit for publication by year end. This line of research is intended to further design in urban outdoor open space through quantitative evidence, linking research to design.
Original graduation was in 1980 from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Architecture. In 1986, the Illinois Chapter of ASLA presented an Honor Award for the Bowen Park Playground designed and built in Waukegan, IL. A Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) degree was completed at the University of Oklahoma in 1988, and licensure was acheived by examination in Oklahoma in 1988, then reciprocated to Texas in 1992, followed by CLARB Certification in 2010. Much of my career has been spent in park development with the last 20 years focusing specifically on different aspects of design and development of children’s play environments. Being a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) has given an avenue to be active in promoting playground safety and accessibility, speaking at the local, state and national levels and becoming Co-Chair of the ASLA Children’s Outdoor Environments Professional Practice Network. Work has proceeded with the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning (LAUP) at Texas A&M University since 2012 while working on the Ph.D. degree in Urban and Regional Sciences while assisting in teaching design studio as instructor of record and now holds a position as Assistant Lecturer in the Department.