• 3rd Year BLA Design Studio. Team Community Design project in the Manchester neighborhood, a Houston, TX low income neighborhood, characterized by blight, industrial development, and pollution.  The project focused on community wide re-development and sustainable design with interim presentation locally in Houston to a client group and the final presentation having the clients come to TAMU.  LAND 320, Fall 2015, with Galen Newman, PhD, and Ryun Jung Lee.  

Kenneth R. Hurst, Ph.D.

  • 3rd Year BLA Design Studio. Team project of a theoretical sustainable re-development using a strip shopping center block in College Station, TX.  LAND 321, Spring 2014, with Jun Hyun Kim, PhD.  

4th Year URPN Internship Studio. Community design for Crossways Farm Village, a rural new town development in East Cape South Africa.  This portion of the project was to design the landside facilities of an Aero-Estates development where housing is built in conjunction with and direct access to a new small general aviation airport.  Done in collaboration with Dr. Mark Clayton's ARCH 405 studio and Dr. Jose Solis' COSC 663 class.   Fall 2020.    

  • 2nd Year BLA Design Studio. Community design for urban re-development in an existing low-income neighborhood, Lufkin, TX.  Individual student work on one sector of the overall project.  Input from Texas Target Communities, John Cooper, PhD, and Jamie Masterson.  Final review with Impact Lufkin Committee.  LAND 211, Fall 2016, with Chanam Lee, PhD, and Sinan Zhong.    
  • 3rd Year BLA Design Studio. Urban redevelopment project City of College Station former fire station and the associated public open space, focusing on the re-development of urban open space and sustainable re-design.  LAND 321, Spring 2014, with Jun Hyun Kim, PhD. 

student work: urban Design

khurst5775@gmail.com • 214.228.1052